in plain view

Don't know if you saw
when I
glanced away
my eyes glaze, into space
your words bouncing back

But before you get annoyed, dear
I just want you to know:
it's not you, it's me.

Just me,
looking for someone
more interesting
or smarter
or funnier
or better looking

so that when someone else
more interesting
or smarter
or funnier
or better looking
saw me
with that other person

they'd wonder if I was
more interesting
or smarter
or funnier
or better looking
than whomever they had been talking to.

And so on,
by increments,
I could maybe edge my way so far up
that everyone
would have to notice me

on the pinnacle:

the most interesting
the smartest
the funniest
the best looking
of us all.

and then maybe someday

would finally see me
finally talk to me

like I was really, truly


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